Galeria D’Art Mar, Barcelona

4 - 17 February 1997    

Solo exhibition, 31 paintings shown

Photograph of the exhibition 'Paul Critchley' at Galeria D'Art Mar, Barcelona 1

L’Art. La revista de les Arts a Tarragona 

Verónica Rodríguez

La Galería Mar, tercera sala del Grupo Escolà fue inaugurada el pasado día 4 de febrero en Barcelona. Al acto acudieron numerosas personalidades del mundo de la cultura, así como un gran número de socios y amigos de las galerías que forman dicho grupo.

El nuevo espacio artístico se estrenó con una original exposición del artista británico Paul Critchley, que tras haber residido y trabajado en distintos países europeos (Alemania, Francia, Holanda, Italia), ha fijado su lugar de residencia en Altea (Alicante).

Su obra pretende mostrar, según palabras del artista, "la perspectiva de esta tierra" y lo consigue, presentando sus óleos en formas irregulares, cada una diferente y adecuándolas a cada cuadro. Critchley no reconoce tener una tendencia o un pintor preferido, pero admite la admiración que siente por el mundo de la fotografía y la arquitectura.

"No quiero que aparezcan señales de la época a la que pertenecen los cuadros, no quiero que sean cuadros de moda, no me gusta nada la moda" dijo el artista.

En sus cuadros se respira una ambiente de atemporalidad, reforzado por la práctica inexistencia de seres vivos. Sólo se intuye vida a través de la luz que aparece en alguna de las ventanas representadas. Durante la evolución de la obra de Critchley existe una tendencia al detallismo y hacia los interiores. El pintor reconoce que estar centrándose mucho en la temática de las ventanas para dar el salto hacia el interior de las casas y estructuras que pinta.


Photograph of the exhibition 'Paul Critchley' at Galeria D'Art Mar, Barcelona 2

The new premises of Galeria Mar, the third gallery in the Escolà group, were inaugurated last 4th February in Barcelona. The opening drew numerous personalities from the world of art and culture as well as associates and clients of the gallery group.

The first exhibition in the new gallery space was that of the very original work of the British artist Paul Critchley, who has now settled in Altea (Alicante) having previously lived and worked in a number of European countries including Germany, France, Holland and Italy.

The artist says that he is trying to show a very particular perspective of this land (Spain) and he has achieved this. He presents his oil paintings in irregular formats, each one different and specifically suited to each individual painting. Critchley doesn't admit to following a trend, or having a favourite painter but he does acknowledge an admiration for the world of architecture.

"I don't want my paintings to be fashionable , I don't like fashion" he says "and for this reason I don't include anything in the paintings which would assign a date or place them in a specific era".

His works have a timeless atmosphere which is reinforced by the almost non-existence of the human form. The only indication of human life is the light which appears in some of the windows depicted in his work. In the evolution of Critchley's work one sees a trend towards a high degree of detail and in particular towards interiors. The painter recognises that his attention is becoming centred on the theme of windows and through them into the interiors of the houses and structures which he paints.
